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O objetivo deste livro é auxiliar o desenvolvimento das mãos fortes e dedos flexíveis. Não queira tentar aprender os primeiros doze exercícios de uma vez; estude apenas dois ou tr& [ ... ]
Exercícios Técnicos para piano a serem executados todos os dias antes da aula.
O objetivo deste livro é auxiliar o desenvolvimento das mãos fortes e dedos flexíveis. Não queira tentar aprender os primeiros doze exercícios de uma vez; estude apenas dois ou tr& [ ... ]
O objetivo deste livro é auxiliar o desenvolvimento das mãos fortes e dedos flexíveis. Não queira tentar aprender os primeiros doze exercícios de uma vez; estude apenas dois ou tr& [ ... ]
Exercícios Técnicos para piano a serem executados todos os dias antes da aula.
A série "A dose do dia" (A dozen a day), de autoria da aclamada professora americana Edna-Mae Burnam, foi especialmente concebida para o exercício diário dos dedos, antes de iniciar a [ ... ]
O objetivo deste livro é auxiliar no desenvolvimento de mãos fortes e dedos flexíveis. Não queira tentar aprender os primeiros doze exercícios de uma vez; estude apenas dois ou três exercícios e p [ ... ]
Exercícios Técnicos para piano a serem executados todos os dias antes da aula.
Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of the student's practice session. Performing these technical exercises will help develop strong hands and flexible fingers.
AC [ ... ]
Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of the student's practice session. Performing these technical exercises will help develop strong hands and flexible fingers.
Au [ ... ]
Cada livro desta série contém exercícios curtos de aquecimento para serem reproduzidos no início da sessão de treinos do aluno. A realização desses exercícios [ ... ]
Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of the student's practice session. Performing these technical exercises will help develop strong hands and flexible fingers [ ... ]
Each book in the A Dozen A Day series contains sets of short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of the student's practice session. Performing these technical exercises will help develop strong hands [ ... ]
Os famosos livros da série "A Dose do Dia" tem ajudado os estudantes de piano desde 1950. Escrito e ilustrado por Edna Mae Burnam, os livros da série são reconhecidos mundialmente. Est [ ... ]
The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of [ ... ]
The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of [ ... ]
The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of [ ... ]
The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of [ ... ]
The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of [ ... ]
The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of [ ... ]
Dozen a Day for Guitar takes the same approach to warm-up exercises as Edna Mae Burnam's acclaimed Dozen a Day series for piano. Exercises are both challenging and entertaining, which makes practicing fun! The o [ ... ]
Dozen a Day for Guitar takes the same approach to warm-up exercises as Edna Mae Burnam's acclaimed Dozen a Day series for piano. Exercises are both challenging and entertaining, which makes practicing fun! The o [ ... ]
The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of [ ... ]
The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of [ ... ]
The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of [ ... ]